Tips to Prepare Your Pet for Traveling with a Pet Pick-Up Service
Pet parents are often faced with the question of what to do with their pets when they have to travel unexpectedly. Some pet parents solve the problem by taking their pet with them, only to find out that the hotel doesn't accept pets or that the flight you have booked doesn't have room for pets. Fortunately, there is an option-boarding your pet in a kennel that offers a pet pick-up service. This type of service allows you to pack for your trip and make it to the airport on time without having to first drop your pet off at the kennel.
Here are a few tips to help prepare your pet for pick up and traveling to a kennel.
Prepare your Pet for Pick-Up
The first step is to make sure your pet is comfortable traveling in a crate, so it's a good idea to start this habit before it's needed. Make sure your pet's travel crate is comfortable and the appropriate size for your pet. It's recommended that you place the travel crate near the door, so your pet will be aware of an upcoming trip. Although it's best for you to be present when your pet is picked up, you can often arrange for another family member or a friend to be with your pet at the time of their pick-up.
Deal with Anxiety
If your pet tends to get anxious when traveling by vehicle, be sure to provide a small blanket or an article of clothing with the driver. This can be put in your pet's travel crate during transportation for them to travel with a familiar smelling item and it can be used as extra padding in the crate. Be sure to alert the driver ahead of time that your pet may get anxious during the ride. Also, alert the kennel that your pet may be anxious upon arrival.
Update ID Tags and Collar
Most kennels and pet pick-up services require your pet to wear a collar and ID tags while traveling. Be sure all information on the ID tags are current and if there is any paperwork that you need to send to the kennel, be sure to let the kennel know that the driver will be bringing documents with them. The collar must be in good condition and appropriate for your pet.
In most situations, your pet should not be fed before traveling to the kennel, but if your pet is on a specialized feeding schedule, talk with the kennel and let them know that your pet will eat before the pet pick-up service arrives. When packing items to send to the kennel, be sure that you only pack the essentials because many services that provide pet pick up will have several pets in the vehicle at once, so there may be limited room for your pets personal items.